Sustainable Infrastructure Hub: 建筑

Sustainable Infrastructure Hub: 建筑


Recognizing that the state 和 quality of campus buildings can have a significant effect on 能源 use, 浪费生产, 人类的健康, productivity 和 tuition prices, bet8九州登录入口 is committed to maintaining 和 operating buildings in a way that promotes health, 能源 efficiency 和 reduction of 浪费 (see 俄亥俄州 Green Building St和ards). 的 可持续发展办公室 participates in 和 supports initiatives that promote best practices in building construction 和 maintenance. 的 雅典 Campus has more than 1 million square feed of LEED -certified buildings, 包括沃尔特国际教育中心, 尼尔森阁餐厅, Schoonover Center for Communication Phase I, 布什大厅, 格罗弗中心扩建, 是大厅, 杰斐逊大厅, 苏克学术中心和化学楼.

的 Sustainability Project Laboratory 数据库是否包含与可持续发展有关的项目建议. 该资源包含可以被教师采用的项目和项目想法, 工作人员, 和 学生s for course projects, capstone or senior projects, 论文, 和更多的!

To find buildings related projects just type "buildings" into the search bar at the top of the Project Database on the Sustainability Project Laboratory 网站. 

的 Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) is currently revising its Sustainability Tracking, 评估 & Rating System (STARS), which bet8九州登录入口 uses to measure its sustainability efforts. View a Draft of the Proposed Updates

Accessibility View of 建筑 Graphic

  • 基准4:LEED认证所有校园的新建筑和重大改造. 直到2019年, target met: 13 new construction or renovation projects exceeding costs of $2 million were built to LEED Silver st和ards for 13 building projects. ​

  • 基准12:评估现有设施的LEED EBOM. 目标满足: Tupper evaluated for LEED EBOM in 2018 和 ARC in 2019; Cutler partially evaluated in 2012.


STARS 建筑 Comparison

AASHE STARS比较了全国许多不同类别的节目. bet8九州登录入口的建筑质量高于全国平均水平.


bet8九州登录入口 Emissions Breakdown

bet8九州登录入口,建筑产生了我们官方网站65%的排放量. 76年,187 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emitted by our buildings each year is equal to 189,046,乘用车平均行驶628英里(美国环保署). 建筑是最大的碳排放源, as they blanket many of the sub-categories, 如 能源. 运输 is also a large contributor, 哪一种占排放量的四分之一多一点, 后面是 浪费.

Moving Forward: 2017 Sustainability & 气候行动计划 Goal #1

Goal 1: Reduce building impacts by using best practices in construction or divestment (including private partnership, 拆迁, 或出售), 通过将2012财年GSF的百分比从10%提高到低影响.4% to 40%.


  • 减少每个学生的总建筑面积

  • Create 和 implement bet8九州登录入口 Low Impact Building St和ards for construction, renovation 和 拆迁 projects​

    • “Low impact” will be defined in more detail in the proposed 俄亥俄州 Low Impact Building St和ards, 和 depends on building type 和 usage.​

  • 支持与低影响建筑相关的课程


  • Reduced operating expense
  • 减少排放
  • Improved occupant comfort 和 productivity
  • Educational 和 reputational benefits


  • 资本支出
  • 维护成本

Moving Forward: 2017 Sustainability & 气候行动计划 Goal #2

目标2:保持 & operate existing buildings to reduce impacts

  • 将用于纠正性维护的时间百分比从83%减少到20%
  • 将用于预防性维护的时间百分比从17%增加到80%
  • Increase square footage of setbacks or reduced HVAC schedules from 0 square feet to 1 million square feet


  • 扩大和制度化俄亥俄州可持续建筑运营 & 维修计划

  • 透过策略性规划,减少楼宇资源的使用 & setback3利用率

  • Increase 俄亥俄州 communication & education on reducing building impacts; consider building competitions​


  • 减少排放
  • 降低运营成本
  • Improved occupant comfort 和 productivity
  • 降低维护成本
  • Educational 和 reputational benefits


  • Increased 工作人员 training time


的 total square footage of LEED-Certified building space has increased rapidly since 2013. 2021年,bet8九州登录入口的建筑面积超过了100万平方英尺. 在过去的三年里,LEED建筑面积的增长一直停滞不前. This is due to the University's new focus on their own 俄亥俄州 Green Building St和ards.
bet8九州登录入口 has been doing more preventative maintenance (PM) than correct maintenance (CM) since FY18. 的 goal is to increase preventative maintenance because this means that fewer problems arise over time.



Infrastructure Hub Supported 倡议SCAP对齐

能源 Efficiency Audit Treasure Hunt: 

咨询、职业和体验学习中心(ACEL),学生 ME 4930特别调查:建筑能源寻宝 were given an opportunity to gain h和s-on experience on the process of performing an 能源 audit in Shively Hall

Reduce campus 和 building 能源 intensity; 增加教师、学生和社区对中心主题的参与. 


 的 Infrastructure Hub hosted a seminar on the topics of the experiential learning opportunity provided by the 能源 Audit Treasure Hunt 和 solar farming in partnership with Solar Power & 光. 本次研讨会的录音可在可持续发展办公室查看 脸谱网 页或在 能源 主题网页.   


Updating Building St和ards: 

可持续发展办公室正在与设计合作 & Construction 和 Facilities 管理 工作人员 to update 俄亥俄州’s sustainability building st和ards.  的 University will be moving to 俄亥俄州-specific Green Building st和ards for all building projects in 2023, replacing former requirements for LEED Silver Certified building construction 和 renovation for projects over $2 million. 

Reduce building impacts by using best practices in construction, renovation 和 拆迁; 


Decrease reliance on fossil fuel 能源  


Sustainability Project Laboratory:  
三重底线成本效益分析(TBL CBA)工具:  
Framework for assessing sustainability impacts. 
Installation on Schoonover Center. 
Reduce impacts from storm 水; Maintain 和 operate existing buildings to reduce impacts 
设计 & Construction Infrastructure 设计: (D&C) 
Reduce building impacts by using best practices in construction, renovation 和 拆迁  
Regional campus infrastructure: (FMS for RHE) 
Sustainable initiatives at regional campuses 
Reduce building impacts by using best practices in construction, renovation 和 拆迁  
Steam system annual shut down: (Maintenance & 操作) 
纠正 & preventative maintenance best practices 
维护和操作现有建筑物,以减少影响; Decrease reliance on fossil fuel 能源  
计量 & controls projects: (Maintenance & 操作) 
Targeting high priority meters 和 controls 
维护和操作现有建筑物,以减少影响; Decrease reliance on fossil fuel 能源  
能源 dashboard: (能源 管理) 
发展 of dashboard for 能源 management 
维护和操作现有建筑物,以减少影响; Decrease reliance on fossil fuel 能源  
设计 & Construction, Surplus, Habitat 和 ReUse:  
LEED certification of new construction & 改造: 
维护和操作现有建筑物,以减少影响; Decrease reliance on fossil fuel 能源  


LEED-Certified 建筑 at bet8九州登录入口

大学的设计 & Construction St和ards m和ate that all new construction or renovations exceeding costs of $2 million must be built to LEED Silver st和ards.

Currently, there are over one million square feet of LEED-certified buildings on 俄亥俄州 campuses.

- 的 雅典 campus has 702,总共有446平方英尺的银质认证建筑, 包括沃尔特国际教育中心, 尼尔森阁餐厅, Schoonover Center for Communication Phase I, 布什大厅, 格罗弗中心扩建, 是大厅, 杰斐逊大厅 和 Sook Academic Center. 

- Schoonover Center for Communication Phase II, Boyd Dining 和 Campus Market, 官方网站的巴顿大厅和Ellis Hall贡献了232人,085平方英尺的黄金认证平方英尺.

-奇利科斯校区也因其技术研究中心而闻名, 贡献14,000 square feet in the Certified category. 



公园广场15号,或者 Walter International Education Center, is the home of the Office of Global Opportunities 和 International Student 和 教师 Services. It was the first LEED certified building (12130 sq ft, LEED Silver) at bet8九州登录入口.


斯克里普斯传媒学院完成了两个建筑项目, 斯克里普斯 Phase I 和 斯克里普斯 Phase II.

斯克里普斯第一期是对斯库诺弗中心的实质性改造. 斯克里普斯一期是一个110290平方英尺的LEED银牌认证项目.

斯克里普斯第二期是Schoonover中心的一个较小的翻新(34950平方英尺), 和 it was awarded LEED Gold certification.


巴顿大厅是校园里第一个获得金牌的完整建筑.  “巴顿庄园32美元.800万翻新, completed in January 2017, 为学生提供真正的21世纪学习体验. 的 College’s green-friendly renovation can be felt throughout the building 和 is summarized on its LEED Wall, which is housed on the third floor. 的 wall contains various icons 和 blurbs, as well as an interactive monitor that allows visitors to learn more about the building’s environmentally friendly features, including 俄亥俄州’s first green roof, 哪种植物利用降雨来节约用水和维持植物生命.”(来自 俄亥俄州的新闻)



塔珀大厅是38号,599平方英尺LEED银认证装修, 由当地建筑公司BDT于2015年完成.  改造 包括一个新屋顶, 热效率高的铝包木窗, 并保留了原建筑的采光特点.


房屋第一期, which includes Tanaka, Luchs, Carr 和 Sowle residence halls, is a certified LEED Silver project.

Chubb Hall Student LEED Evaluation

FY13 Student Report on Chubb Hall 作者:Rich Wilson

LEED Lab at bet8九州登录入口

In 2019, bet8九州登录入口 became the 31st institution world-wide to offer a US 绿色建筑委员会 (USGBC) Leadership in 能源 和 Environmental 设计 (LEED) Lab course.  的 Civil Engineering LEED Lab course, CE4540/5540:  Sustainable Construction, teaches 学生s to evaluate the operations 和 maintenance of an existing building on campus using the LEED rating system.  2018年春季开设了LEED实验室试点课程, 在2019年和2020年春季开设了注册LEED实验室课程.

A paper will be presented at the June 2020 American Society for Engineering Education annual conference about bet8九州登录入口's 2019 LEED Lab course.


俄亥俄州's 环保清洁政策bet8九州登录入口根据绿色清洁政策清洁其建筑, 食物准备设施除外, 都符合美国农业部的清洁要求, 还有运动设施, 哪些是符合NCAA清洁要求的.



名字联系Position 和 研究 Interests
科迪小petittc@俄亥俄州.eduSustainable Infrastructure Hub Coordinator 和 Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering
山姆Crowlcrowls1@俄亥俄州.eduDirector of Sustainability
Associate Professor of Engineering Technology & 管理


Sustainable building design

穆罕默德·库鲁姆·布塔 bhutta@俄亥俄州.edu



尼科尔坎贝尔 ncampbell@俄亥俄州.edu

Assistant Professor in the School of Art & 设计



设计 和 Construction Project Manager

Sustainability in athletics


Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Sustainable building materials

伊莱恩Goetzgoetze@俄亥俄州.eduDirector of 能源 管理 & AVP Facilities Administration

其他利益相关者 & Experts on Sustainable 建筑

U.S. 绿色建筑委员会http://www.usgbc.org/contactus一群致力于在俄亥俄州推广绿色建筑的专业人士
Hocking-雅典-Perry County Community Actionhttp://hapcap.org/contact/有公平住房项目的社区行动机构, 回家修理, 发展, 恒温, 和其他人