



June 4, 2012

Initiated by:

Ryan Lombardi |副校长兼教务长

Endorsed by:

Pam Benoit | Executive Vice President and Provost

Approved by:

Roderick J. McDavis | President

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview


    Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium, as referred to in this policy, includes the main auditorium and stage, as well as the other interior spaces of the facility, including the Chaddock-Morrow Alumni Room, the East and North Main lobbies, and the North Mezzanine.


    1. 主持提高bet8九州登录入口和俄亥俄州东南部社区的教育和文化目标的节目.

    2. 用作公共或社区活动的场所, when available, 并按照本协议规定的政策和程序.

    设施的使用应通过设立费用和支付活动服务办公室和学生事务部的工作人员为维持设备的运行而提供的所有服务来产生收入, the facility, staffing, and operational needs. 所有租金和设备使用费的清单可在活动事务处获得.

  2. Policy Cross-Reference

    Policy 01.025 provides an umbrella policy for all facilities usage. 本政策中未解决的问题可以在本政策中解决. For the purposes of Policy 01.025,邓普顿-布莱克本校友纪念礼堂是一个辅助设施.

    Policy 24.016 applies to the use of the West Portico and other exterior 邓普顿-布莱克本校友纪念礼堂的空间. This policy applies to the interior 邓普顿-布莱克本校友纪念礼堂的空间.

    Policy 20.095 描述建立和更改设施使用费用的过程.

  3. Management

    活动安排由活动服务部门负责, supervision, facilitation, and administration of all programs, classes, 以及安排在坦普尔顿-布莱克本校友纪念礼堂举行的活动.

  4. Use Priorities

    请联系活动服务办公室,以确定礼堂的最新调度做法. 大礼堂将隶属于大型活动安排流程,由活动服务部门协调. 以下列表按照优先级递减的顺序排列:

    1. All contracted Performing Arts Series programs.

    2. 所有肯尼迪讲座和科学前沿项目.

    3. 所有学院美术课程,其他学术课程.

    4. College of Fine Arts Programming Events, 荣誉颁奖典礼和其他大学特别周末(1).e., Dad's, Mom's, Sib's, etc.) and special weeks (i.e., Communications Week, etc.), and Presidential Requests.

    5. Major student programming units (i.e., UPC, BSCPB).

    6. 其他院系及已注册之校园团体.

    7. All non-University organizations.

  5. Scheduling Set-up and Tear-down Time

    表演艺术系列节目安排须包括活动前一天. 其他活动可在预定活动前一天提出申请,视场地情况而定. 某些节目在公开演出日期之前和之后可能需要额外的时间. 这些请求将提交给活动事务执行主任.

  6. Alternatives

    活动事务处的工作人员有权根据预期的观众人数,为用户的要求推荐替代空间, technical needs, scheduling concerns, and appropriateness of program in facility.

  7. Reservations


  8. Staffing

    1. All staffing, to include house manager, technical director, stage manager, ushers, stage hands, and security, shall be in the quantity, and quality, 活动服务人员认为有必要保护和有序维护设施和程序.

    2. 在无法提供正常保管服务的情况下,所有要求使用礼堂的组织或部门应负责所需保管服务的相关费用.

  9. Ticket Office


    1. All organizations or departments, charging admissions for a scheduled event, shall use the auditorium ticket office. There will be a 4% surcharge on gross receipts. 活动当晚的人员费用也将由主办机构承担.

    2. A 3.所有适用的签账卡购买将收取5%的签账卡费用,并由赞助机构报销.

    3. 所有使用礼堂票务处的机构或部门,除非事先得到活动事务处执行主任的批准,否则必须拥有一个大学账户来存放所有收据.

  10. Cancellations

    In the event of the cancellation of an event, 该组织或部门应负责活动服务人员在取消之前发生的所有费用, 包括相关的退票费用(如适用).

  11. Concessions

    1. 包括商品特许经营的活动应提供此类特许经营的人员配备,或收取人员配备费用. 对所有特许经营的商品,要收取总销售额20%的手续费, 除非艺人合约另有规定.

    2. 未经活动服务执行董事的明确批准,不得在坦普顿-布莱克本校友纪念礼堂内出售或赠送任何食品或饮料.

  12. Recording and Photography

    不允许使用摄像机和录音设备, unless approved by the event promoter, University Communication and Marketing, and Event Services.

  13. Advertising

    赞助活动的组织或部门必须首先获得大学传播和营销部门的许可, Event Services, 推荐人(或其代表或代理人), 在张贴任何广告(印刷或电子媒体)之前, to assure all information is correct.



  1. Vice President for Student Affairs

  2. Director of Facility Planning and Space Management

  3. Budget Director