





Tom Daniels | Director of Space Management 


Herman ("Butch") Hill | Chair, 政策 and Procedures Review Committee



Alan Gieger | Internal 费用 Committee Chair 



  1. 概述

    bet8九州登录入口运营的所有设施(普通基金和辅助设施)都是俄亥俄州的财产. They are administered under policies established by the board of trustees or its designees, they are managed within these policies by colleges, 部门, 以及分配给他们的项目. 这一政策的目标是为内部和外部团体方便和经济地使用大学设施建立一个框架.

    bet8九州登录入口将根据第3313节的规定,最大限度地利用其设施和服务,为俄亥俄州公民的利益服务.《bet8九州登录入口》第76条和1992年理事会关于空间利用和管理原则的决议." In certain cases stipulated within this policy, 可收取费用以产生收入或收回合理及必要的设施营运成本.

    This policy applies to the 雅典 campus, not to the regional campuses.

  2. 使用指引

    1. 内部组织

      内部组织 have priority in the reservation and use of university facilities.

    2. 外部组织

      在设施完备的情况下,校外团体可获准使用大学空间. 外部程序, 事件, 活动包括与bet8九州登录入口没有直接关系的组织举办的任何活动. 这包括, 但不限于, 政治团体, 宗教团体, 民间团体, 慈善团体, programs scheduled through the division of lifelong learning.

    3. 除外责任

      All groups are encouraged to utilize facilities on campus whenever possible, 但是,对于可能对大学社区的安全构成威胁的团体,一般会限制或禁止使用这些设施, or for activities that are wholly commercial or for private gain.

    4. 负责办公室

      Procedures for scheduling and use authorization vary among the different facilities. In general, access to instructional facilities is secured through the registrar's office. 研讨会, 会议, 约定, programs of a similar nature are coordinated by the division of lifelong learning. Access to facilities for such programs is arranged through that division. Use of some facilities requires approval of the planning unit head (dean, 副总统, (或指定人)负责该设施. These include some instructional facilities and all auxiliary facilities; see part (B)(6) 这个政策. 问题 regarding scheduling authority may be referred to the director of space management. 如果一个员工组织想要招募员工,那么它使用设施的授权也必须得到首席人力资源官的批准. 希望在大学户外区域举办活动的团体必须在活动开始前与贝克大学中心管理部门联系.

      参见policy 42.550. Additional university policies and other regulations may apply.

    5. 费用


      1. 注册学生组织为大学社区成员服务的项目和活动所使用的设施,不收取租金,不以个人或商业利益为基础. Student organizations may be charged for the cost of setup, 清理, damages incurred during the course of an 事件, 以及举办活动和将设施恢复原状所需的任何特殊费用.

      2. 其他组, 内部和外部, may be charged 费用 for the use of certain facilities in accordance with parts (B)(5), (B)(6), (B)(7) 这个政策.

      3. When any 费用 are charged for the use of any facility, 规划单位负责人或指定人员将提交规划单位与用户之间的谅解备忘录. This memorandum should outline the reason for any charges, 活动的时间和性质, 提供的服务, any other agreements arranged on services, 费用, 设施使用情况.

      4. 规划单位必须不迟于该会计年度的7月1日公布其设施使用费. Charges to users must be made at the published rates. Facilities usage 费用 also will be posted by the university on an appropriate web site. Where approval is required for new or increased 费用, 批准必须在向董事会提交年度预算之前获得.

    6. 辅助设施收费

      In the case of auxiliary facilities (for purposes 这个政策, 目前的水上运动中心, 贝克大学中心, 鸟竞技场, the convocation center and all other facilities controlled by intercollegiate athletics, 高尔夫球场和网球场, 平中心, 宿舍和食堂系统, Templeton-Blackburn alumni memorial auditorium):

      1. 规划单位负责人可为外部团体制定任何设施使用费(租金或服务费). 费用 normally may be established without prior review and approval, but the internal fee committee must be notified, may selectively review these charges and recommend changes to the provost.

      2. 向内部团体或有内部赞助商的外部团体收取的设施使用费必须由内部收费委员会审查并由教务长批准.

      3. 辅助设施应优先用于开发这些设施的目的. 在学生宿舍, 宿舍楼的学生有优先权安排会议和餐饮服务空间为他们的节目和活动. 如果一个设施被保留给一个注册的学生团体的成员的专属和私人使用, 小组将负责设置, 清理, 还有使用设施的服务费. A deposit may be required to cover damages or losses incurred during a performance, 事件, 或活动. Nonresident student groups will be charged setup and clean-up costs for auxiliary space usage.

      4. Units which require the purchase of a ticket or a usage fee, such as Templeton-Blackburn memorial auditorium, 鸟竞技场, 水上运动中心, 还有高尔夫球场, may hold blocks of time or seats for student groups to use the facility, 提供校园社区的其他成员也可以继续使用该设施的预期目的.

      5. For additional information regarding use of specific auxiliary facilities, 参考以下政策:

        1. 政策 24.012.

        2. 政策 24.020.

        3. 政策 24.030.

    7. 一般基金设施收费

      1. 规划单位主管可仅为支付与使用设施有关的服务的合理和必要的费用而制定费用.g., equipment use, set-up, 工作人员ing, clean-up, damages, etc.). This will permit the planning unit to recover all direct costs resulting from the activity; no rental 费用 shall be charged for any general fund building. A deposit may be required to cover damages or losses incurred during a performance, 事件, 或活动.

      2. 规划单位负责人应将所有设备使用费收入存入指定帐户,用于维修和更换应缴纳设备使用费的设备.

      3. 设施使用费必须由内部收费委员会审核,并由教务长批准.

    8. 问题

      All questions or concerns pertaining to reservations, 设施的使用, 或费用收取的事件和活动应直接向负责提供服务的人. If the issue cannot be resolved at that level, 问题或关注应提交规划单位负责人或单位指定人员进行审查和解决. Any appeals on the assessment of 费用 shall be addressed to the internal 费用 committee. 有关计划和使用的冲突不能由适当的规划单位负责人解决,应提交空间管理主任.

    9. 与食品服务有关的规定

      bet8九州登录入口校园或在大学赞助的活动中提供的食品和饮料必须由bet8九州登录入口餐饮服务提供. Individuals or organizations desiring to have food and beverages catered to approved campus locations by other food providers must receive written approval from the director of housing and food services and the director of environmental health and safety; see policy 47.015. Additional policies related to food service include:

      1. 政策 47.010 

      These policies apply to planning for on-campus 事件 with food service.

  3. 定义

    1. 租金


    2. 合理和必要的费用

      Direct costs incurred to operate a facility for use of a group, e.g., expenses resulting from equipment use, 工作人员ing, set-up, clean-up, damages.

    3. 损失费用

      Charges to recover the cost of physical damage or loss (e.g., breakage, defacement, theft, normal usage, etc.)由于使用设施而引起的.

    4. 一般基金建设

      正在建造的建筑物, 维护, equipped with state funds.

    5. 辅助建筑

      正在建造的建筑物, 维护, equipped with locally collected and administered funds, or a building identified as an auxiliary facility for purposes 这个政策.

    6. 内部组织

      大学制度下组织结构和责任制度所承认的团体(例如.g. planning units and their 部门, faculty, 工作人员, student organizations).

    7. 外部组织


    8. 食品服务

      The university organization responsible for providing regular dining and catering for faculty, 工作人员, 学生团体.


Proposed revisions 这个政策 should be reviewed by:

  1. 住房和食品服务部主任

  2. 执行副校长兼教务长

  3. 总人力资源主任

  4. Vice President for Finance and Administration

  5. 负责学生事务的副校长

  6. 贝克大学中心主任

  7. 公众活动署署长

  8. 总法律顾问

  9. Associate Vice President for Administration for Facilities and Auxiliaries

  10. 校际体育主任

  11. Dean of the College of Health Sciences and Professions

  12. 终身学习学院院长

  13. 教务长