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Health & Safety Information

The Basics

全球机会办公室(OGO)和bet8九州登录入口认为你的安全是你全球经历中最重要的方面之一. This page has comprehensive information about OGO’s processes and procedures.

To support you on your program, OGO:

  • 要求你有一部能在国外拨打和接听国际电话的手机.
  • 要求您参加OGO的bet8九州登录入口海外培训,包括强制性的健康 & Safety presentation.
  • Maintains a 24-hour emergency line with a staff member on-call at all times.
  • Monitors security information, International SOS updates, and U.S. Department of State advisories daily.
  • Facilitates the OHIO Study Abroad Risk Assessment Committee, which reviews sites, incidents, and travel risks.
  • Requires OHIO program directors to file an Emergency Plan prior to departure, which includes the program itinerary and local addresses of housing, hospitals, police, fire, and additional emergency contacts.
  • Distributes an International SOS card to you (see below for more information).
  • Requires U.S. 公民可以通过美国国务院的“智能旅行者登记计划”(STEP)进行登记.S. 并鼓励国际学生从他们的祖国寻求类似的支持.
  • 在你出国期间为你登记强制性国际健康保险, free of charge.

Preparing for your program

旅行总是有风险的,即使是在美国境内. 为了将风险降到最低,你要了解你的目的地,并在发生事故时制定一个行动计划. Consider the following as you prepare for your program.

Before you go:

  • Research your program’s location by visiting and using the International SOS website for information on security, entry/exit requirements, and potential risk factors.
  • Research recommendations for health, including vaccinations and immunizations in your host country at If needed, 到校园护理旅行诊所进行旅行咨询,以检查和获得必要的免疫接种, prophylactic medications (such as malaria medications), 以及出国旅行前有关健康和安全注意事项的信息. Make sure you’re up to date on routine vaccinations as well.
  • Ensure you have enough of any prescriptions for the length of your program. 使用国际SOS检查你所在国处方的合法性. Bring copies of your written prescriptions abroad.
  • U.S. 市民应按照申请表上的指示,参加“智慧旅游登记计划”(STEP)。. STEP registers your travel with the U.S. 在你的东道国的大使馆或领事馆,以便他们可以在需要时提供资源. Non-U.S. 公民应与本国大使馆联系,了解所提供的服务.
  • 参加强制性的bet8九州登录入口海外会议和任何其他出发前的培训. 研究国际手机计划,以确保您符合俄亥俄州的手机要求. Options include adding an international plan to your current line, purchasing a local phone or SIM card, or renting a phone. Consult your program director or provider to determine the recommended option.

While away:

  • Maintain your health. 置身于一种新的文化或地方可能会很累,所以照顾好自己很重要! 你在家里会做什么来保持身心健康,比如锻炼, journaling, and taking prescribed medications. 熟悉文化冲击的症状,如果你正在经历抑郁和焦虑(从事危险行为)的症状,寻求帮助, personality changes, more or less sleep than usual, lack of personal hygiene, excess fatigue, recurring and overwhelming feelings of sadness and hopelessness). 在紧急情况下,你也可以联系俄亥俄州的俄亥俄州咨询和心理服务中心.edu/student-affairs/counseling or +1 740-593-1616.

In Case of Emergency

During an emergency, contact local resources such as your program director, onsite support staff or local emergency services. If you need to reach the Office of Global Opportunities during an emergency, please call +1 740 593 4583. To reach International SOS during an emergency, call +1 215-942-8478.


International SOS

  • International SOS is a premier global services provider. 俄亥俄州与国际SOS签订合同,在医疗紧急情况下提供援助, personal, travel, legal, and/or security issues. One phone call connects you to a network of multilingual staff, including security analysts, doctors, nurses and mental health professionals. 服务范围从电话咨询和转诊到全面医疗后送.
  • Visit 在您出发之前,输入OHIO会员号11BTTA887908,注册安全电子邮件提醒和更新您的目的地。. 此外,我们强烈建议您下载“ISOS协助bet8九州登录入口程序”到您的智能手机.
  • International SOS works with OGO’s international health insurance. If you need to seek non-emergency medical attention, 首先通过“国际SOS援助bet8九州登录入口程序”或致电+1 215-942-8478呼叫国际SOS. 国际SOS将检查可用的供应商,并在可能的情况下安排付款担保. 在大多数情况下,这意味着您不需要自掏腰包支付服务费用. 在某些情况下,当供应商不接受国际SOS的付款保证, 您可能需要预先支付服务费用,并在以后寻求报销(政府资助办可以支持此过程)。. 其他服务包括医疗咨询和转介私人空中救护车进行全面医疗后送. 如果发生医疗紧急情况,请立即拨打相当于当地911的电话或前往医院.
  • Download a copy of OHIO's International SOS membership card here.

International Health Insurance

国际健康保险通过Gallagher (Chubb保险)提供。. 该计划是强制性的,所有参加国际体验的俄亥俄学生都需要注册这项国际保险政策. The policy provides comprehensive coverage, including emergency health insurance, medical repatriation, medical and security evacuation, and more.

  • The cost of this policy is covered by OHIO. 参加bet8九州登录入口国际课程的学生不需要支付额外费用.
  • Please see the Gallagher brochure for OHIO travel here.
  • 此保险仅适用于国际旅行和学习,不包括您在美国期间.S. 它不会取代您的国内健康保险计划,如bet8九州登录入口伤害和疾病保险计划.

Additional Resources

  • 学生无障碍服务(SAS)和OGO可能能够帮助您找到适合您的健康和安全需求的计划. 使用全球机会办公室无障碍住宿申请表尽早披露任何无障碍需求(联系OGO寻求支持).
  • WellTrack Boost: a self-guided interactive online therapy program. WellTrack  Boost is free and confidential to Ohio University students. Details regarding WellTrack can be found:
  • Campus Care Travel Care: Campus Care works with students traveling abroad for school related study, business, or pleasure to prepare students for a safe, healthy travel experience. 旅行咨询允许审查和提供必要的免疫接种, prophylactic medications, 并在出国旅行前对学生进行适当的健康和安全教育. More information can be found at:
  • U.S. Department of State Travel Information 
  • Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Travelers Health

Bobcats Abroad Pre-Departure Orientation

OGO在强制性的bet8九州登录入口海外培训会上讨论健康和安全问题, 所有参加全球项目的学生必须在出发前接受培训. 这次会议为学生提供了有关国际旅行的宝贵信息, safety, student conduct guidelines, and perceptions of Americans abroad. Information presented is not site- specific. 项目主管或供应商将针对具体地点/项目进行指导。. 如果您有特殊的健康和安全问题,请联系您的项目主管或提供者.