
妇女中心的工作人员很乐意为您提供我们节目的视频. 我们希望您可以在您的课程中使用这些程序,因为它们旨在成为一种可持续的教育工具. 我们还发现,这些视频对那些需要参加活动作为学习经历一部分的学生特别有帮助, but who cannot attend outside events due to work or family commitments.

In exchange for using these videos in the classroom, we only ask that you let your students know about the 女性中心!

Advocating for Yourself Fat Activism | 女性生殖器切割Improving NGO and State Solutions for Gender Inequality | International Women's Art Installation Performances使你的选举权现代化René Banglesdorf's 播客 Defying the Status Quo | SayHerName: Lessons Learned from BlackLivesMatter妇女辅导计划 | Women on the FrontlineQueer and Fat

Advocating for Yourself

最初于2018年5月17日播出. M. bet8九州登录入口妇女中心主任Geneva Murray讨论了薪资谈判.


Fat Activism

最初于10月20日播出, 2015, 这次关于减肥行动的全球谷歌聚会是与威斯康星大学奥什科什分校共同主办的

Fat activism is a social movement challenging the stigmatization of fatness. 这个小组关注行动主义, 奖学金和个人经历, provoking discussion of what it means to call on a society to end body shaming.

Panelists included Cat Pause (Friend of Marilyn), 拉根·查斯坦《bet8九州登录入口》, 艾琳·麦卡芬(《官方网站》)和珍妮·李(维多利亚大学).



女性生殖器切割 (FGM): An African issue, with an African solution

Brought to bet8九州登录入口 by the AHA Foundation. Co-Sponsored by the 女性中心 and 多元文化中心. Nimco阿里, 五大基金会的联合创始人, 将在更广泛的背景下讲述她切割女性生殖器官的经历,即听众可以为结束切割女性生殖器官做些什么. 通过她的故事, 我们将更多地了解什么是女性生殖器切割, 女性生殖器切割的比率, and the psychological and physical impact of FGM. 与会者将在离开时就如何支持终止女性生殖器切割的全球倡议提出一些下一步措施, as well as how they can provide support to those who have survived FGM, 作为朋友, 家庭成员, 社会工作者, 老师, 或者医疗服务提供商.

International Women's Art Installation Performances

这些国际女性艺术装置表演是为2020年的展览而创作的, which became a virtual exhibit due to COVID-19. We are delighted to be able to continue to share them with you virtually. A special thank you to the THAR 4710 女权主义s & 这些贡献的性能类. The videos in this playlist are performances for the exhibit, and may not reflect the views of the 女性中心 or bet8九州登录入口.

请在YouTube上观看视频: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtcZ7kCgt07vExQRKxgnUZLzj-ajH8o4s

政策表上少了谁?: Improving NGO and State Solutions for Gender Inequality

原定于3月15日举行, 2016, 小组成员与与会者就政策交叉性的影响进行了讨论. 我们考虑了支持或“保护”妇女的法律如何对所有妇女产生不同的影响, 因为女性并不是一个单一的群体. Public policy impacts different women in different ways. 这个视频 is an opportunity to discuss the intersection of race, 文化, 社会经济类, 性, 年龄, 能力, 等.以及了解妇女在城市和农村生活的差异.


Arpita Das currently works as Senior Programme Officer with ARROW. 她拥有印度塔塔社会科学研究所的社会工作硕士学位和妇女科学硕士学位 & 波兰罗兹大学和匈牙利中欧大学的性别研究. 在过去的14年里,她的职业经历包括在性别暴力问题上工作和写作, 性健康和生殖健康及权利, 性别选择, 性 edu猫ion and reproductive technologies. She has worked with the Special Cell for Women & 孟买的孩子们, India on issues of 基于性别的暴力 from a feminist standpoint, 还有南方 & 由印度TARSHI(谈论生殖和性健康问题)主办的东南亚性问题资源中心,讨论性和生殖健康及权利问题. She serves as co-chief editor of the Graduate Journal of Social Science, an open-access peer-reviewed multidisciplinary academic journal. Her academic and research interests include gender, 基于性别的暴力, 性, 双性问题, 残疾与性, 生殖技术和生物政治.

纳戈尔·加西亚是巴塞罗那自治大学社会心理学专业的博士候选人. 她拥有巴塞罗那自治大学社会心理学研究硕士学位, 以及女子文学硕士学位 & Gender Studies from the Universitat de Barcelona. Her experience in research and intervention includes working on gender & technologies, feminist qualitative methodologies, feminism & counter文化, and feminist perspectives on love & 亲密. 她曾与P.R.O.I.N.A.P.S.A. 研究所, a collaborator centre of the OMS/OPS at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, 哥伦比亚, on sexual and reproductive health promotion. 她现在正与Esco基金会合作, an organization which works supporting minoritized women. Among her academic interests are feminist theory, feminist epistemologies & methodologies, narratives, governmentality, subjectivity, 权力, 性 & 亲密.

Marisela Montenegro拥有西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学的社会心理学博士学位. 她是社会心理学系的讲师和“社会心理研究与干预硕士学位”的协调员, 在同一所大学. Marisela has been working on critical perspectives in social work. Drawing on postcolonial feminist developments, she is interested on the ways to introduce intersectional analysis in this area. Her recent publi猫ions in English include: Montenegro, K. 黑山,M. (2013). Governmentality in Service Provision for Migrated Women in Spain. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7(6), 331-342; Montenegro, M.Capdevila, R. & 菲格罗亚,H. (Eds.). (2012). 社论导言:走向跨国女权主义:拉丁美洲背景下的女权主义与心理学对话. 女权主义 & 心理学(专题). 22(2), 220-227; and Montenegro, M.; Montenegro, K.; Galaz, C. ——尤夫拉,L. (2009). 千年发展目标是一个全球化的世界. Gender equity and em权力ment in service provision for migrant women in Barcelona. 卫生管理学报,11(1),49-63. 电子邮件:marisela.montenegro@uab.猫

Chitra Panjabi是一位跨领域的女权主义活动家,在非营利组织管理和筹款方面拥有专业背景. She has over a decade of experience working for progressive nonprofits, including South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT); The Women?s Foundation in Hong Kong; the Sewall-Belmont House & 华盛顿博物馆, DC; and served as an executive officer of the National Organization for Women (NOW) as the Vice President, 会员. Chitra is currently the East Coast Eng年龄ment and Communi猫ions Man年龄r for Out & 倡导工作场所平等. 工作之余, 她是妇女信息网络(WIN)执行委员会董事。, 都是志愿者, 拥有超过1名员工的华盛顿都市区组织,000 members dedi猫ed to young women's professional and personal development. Chitra holds a bachelor's degree from King's College 伦敦, a master's degree in international journalism from City University, 伦敦, and a master's degree in women's studies from The George Washington University. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Chitra's parents emigrated from India. 她的性格形成时期是在亚洲度过的, and another five years in 伦敦 before moving to Washington, D.C. in 2008. 在她的业余时间, Chitra can be found eating her way across cities, 享受各种媒介的科幻幻想, and engaging in intersectional feminist activism. She lives in Arlington, VA with her husband and adorable dog, Izzy.


妇女参政论者,特别是与美国全国妇女党有关的妇女参政论者.S.)或潘克赫斯特家(在美国).K.)以华丽而闻名. Suffragists utilized suffr年龄 sashes to identify their organizations, 州, 作为他们颜色的传递方式, 哪些象征了为什么妇女应该有投票权和/或她们所属的组织. 在这个教育视频中, 小组成员将讨论妇女参政论者的壮观场面,并最终鼓励观众将选举权绶带现代化,以代表他们与当前政治或社会运动的联系. 

A full transcript of this video is available 在这里.

René Banglesdorf's 播客 Defying the Status Quo

妇女中心主任,博士. M. Geneva Murray, was a guest on an episode of Defying the Status Quo! 听播客 在这里.

Geneva Murray grew up dreaming of helping other women. She made a career of academia and now runs the 女性中心 at bet8九州登录入口, 为大学及其学生的多样性和包容性提供规划和指导. 雷内就女性如何最好地应对职场偏见和欺凌——以及其他一些不那么沉重的话题——向她提出了一个问题!

SayHerName: Lessons Learned from BlackLivesMatter

最初录制于10月15日, 2020年通过微软团队, 这个项目是bet8九州登录入口妇女中心“渴望知识周四”系列的一部分.
由womxn创立, and amplified through other womxn-led movements like 呼唤她的名字, Black Lives Matter provides not only lessons in racial justice, 同时也是一个基础,在这个基础上,你可以为自己的领导实践学习工具,以提高你的盟友技能,或探索如何提高你的领导能力,以支持你所在社区的社会运动.

由加州大学戴维斯分校妇女资源和研究中心主任塞西莉·尼尔森-阿尔福德介绍. Black feminist theory and womanism drew her to this work, along with her experiences as a queer biracial/Black woman and student parent. 她努力让有色人种的酷儿和变性人在她的作品中围绕性别平等展开.


这个视频, 2016年春季创作, 有关于妇女中心提供的妇女辅导计划的内部调查吗.

Women on the Frontline: The Anti Sexual Violence Movement in Egypt Post Revolution

20岁时, 哈比巴加入埃及革命,倡导反对性别暴力和性暴力,开始参与社会正义运动. 为此目的, 她与埃及各地的妇女和女孩共同创立了几个倡议和基层组织,并与之合作. These community movements have continued to grow over ten years, 创建安全, 权力, 以及埃及妇女的团结. 她是怎么做到的? Abdelaal将分享她的经验,建立和工作与运动从头开始.

Originally offered as part of the Thirsting for Knowledge Thursday series, 这是在员工培训期间拍摄的.


原定于3月31日举行, 2016, 这次与夏洛特·库珀的对话是酷儿研究会议的一部分, 由bet8九州登录入口骄傲中心组织.

夏洛特·库珀博士是一名顾问, 研究员, 顾问, 作者, 出版商和DIY文化工作者. This interview focused on her new book Fat Activism: A Radical Social Movement. 她的其他出版物包括《肥胖与骄傲:体型的政治》(1998)和一部获奖小说, 樱桃(2002). 她在酷儿乐队“同性恋死亡驱动”中演出,并在“肥胖定时炸弹”上写关于脂肪的博客.