





黛博拉•米. 本顿|大学注册处 





  1. 概述

    It is important to know where students are living for emergency purposes. 

    另外, 提供俄亥俄州以外的教育机会, 无论是通过远程教育还是通过实习等课程, 临床, practica, 学生教学, the university must comply with applicable state and 联邦 regulations. Current regulations require an institution to be authorized by a state where the institution is not physically located when delivering education to students who reside within that state. 

    大学提供的课程导致, 或者可以假设这导致, professional licensure are required to notify students as to the applicability of the education being delivered to the various state professional licensure education requirements. 遵守这些状态, 联邦, and other regulations relating to state authorization and licensure is critical to allowing the university to fulfill its mission as a public research university. 

  2. 适用性 

    这项政策适用于所有在bet8九州登录入口注册的学生, 不管在哪个校园, 形态, 或水平. 

  3. 定义 

    1. 远程教育 使用一种或多种技术的教育(e.g., 互联网, 通信设备, audio or video conferencing) to deliver instruction to students who are separated from their instructor and to support regular and substantive interaction between students and the instructor, 同步或异步(参照参考2).a. 34 CFR 600.2).

    2. 位置 is defined as the state/territory where a student is located while receiving instruction. The student's location may differ from the student's state of legal "residence," that is the place where they are registered to vote or hold a driver's license (per Reference 2.a. 34 CFR 668.43).

    3. 州外学习 refers to distance education courses or programs and field experiences such as, 但不限于, 临床旋转, 在俄亥俄州以外的地方实习或教学. 课程,如自主学习, 测试准备, 毕业论文或论文学分, or correspondence courses do not fall under these regulations as there is no regular or substantive interaction with the university or other designee (per Reference 2.b.).

  4. 地址类型 

    1. 家庭住址

      Students are required to provide a permanent address on their applications for admission. Students are expected to keep this address current and may update this address via self-service in the student information system. 

    2. 邮件地址 

      Students may provide a mailing address on their applications for admission. Students are expected to keep this address current and may update this address via self-service in the student information system. 

    3. 现居住地址 

      All students who are not living in university housing are required to confirm or update the address where they are living each semester prior to participating in class. Students will be prompted to update or confirm this address each semester beginning two weeks in advance of the semester begin date or earliest class start date. Students may update this address anytime via self-service in the student information system. Students are expected to update this address if they move during the semester. 注:国内地址, the state/territory provided for this address will be used as the location for compliance purposes. 

    4. 毕业证书地址 

      Students are required to provide an address to which their diploma or certificate is mailed when they apply for graduation. This address may be updated only by staff in the office of the university registrar by request of the student after their application for graduation is complete. 

    5. SEVIS外部地址 

      All international students in F-1 and J-1 status must report their foreign address within ten days of moving. Students are required to update this address via self-service in the student information system to remain in compliance with immigration regulations. 

    6. 服务器地址 

      All international students in F-1 and J-1 status must report their United States address within ten days of moving. Students are required to update this address via self-service in the student information system to remain in compliance with immigration regulations. 

    7. 宿舍地址 

      All students living in university housing have a residence hall address. This address is updated automatically and may not be be updated by the student. 

  5. 学生须知 

    根据联邦法规, prospective students and students enrolled in professional licensure or certification programs must receive direct notification within fourteen days should their location change to a state where the curriculum delivered by the university does not meet the state's educational requirements for licensure or certification, or if the university is unable to make a determination regarding whether the program's curriculum meets the state's educational requirements for licensure or certification. 

  6. 数据/信息的bet8九州登录入口和使用 

    地址信息将根据大学政策使用.020学生档案. This paragraph includes some specific examples of how the current living address may be used. 

    The student's current living address may be used for emergency purposes such as needing to locate a student or identify all students living in a certain vicinity. 

    部分收集到的学生地址资料(如.e. location) is reported annually to the national council for state authorization reciprocity agreements (NC-SARA) as part of the University's participation agreement. It is important to note that no individually identifiable student data is reported in this annual update. 

    就专业执照规定而言,学生所在地(i.e., state/territory from the current living address) is used as a mechanism for the University to be compliant with 联邦 regulations and SARA policies relating to professional licensure and certification programs and notifications. 



1. 招生管理副校长 

2. 负责传播和营销的副总裁 

3. 学生经济援助和奖学金执行主任 

4. Assistant 招生管理副校长 and Executive Director of Undergraduate 入学s

5. 学术院长 

6. 俄亥俄州副教务长在线 

7. 负责学生成功的副教务长 

8. 机构有效性和分析副教务长 

9. 国际学生和学者服务部主任 

10. 首席私隐主任 

11. 大学合规处处长 

12. 教务长 

13. 学生参议院 

14. 研究生院